Recovering Corpoholics

Ep 30 - How to Job Search When You’re Not Sure What to Search

Felicia Serano-Shtivelman Season 1 Episode 30

In today’s episode, we’re going to talk about how to search for a job when you have no idea what to search for.

Find the Full Notes to this episode at

As a full time employee, your time is valuable. You don’t have time to waste applying for a bunch of jobs that you’re only semi interested in, hoping they’re better than where you’re at. 

That’s why it’s so important to take the time to explore and research positions that you would actually want to do and use your time to apply for those jobs.

However, how do you search for something when you have no idea what to search for?

It may sound like an impossible task but trust me when I say it’s easy. All you need to do is give yourself time and work backwards. 

As long as you have an idea in mind, you can use job sites, such as LinkedIn, to make specific searches to really drill down to find a career path that you’ll love.

Not sure how that works? Well listen in as I take you through the steps of how you can just search for a new career when you’re not sure what you want to do next. 

Make a List of keywords 

The first thing you’re going to want to do is to make a list of jobs, job responsibilities, interests, industries, company names and any other keywords that you can use to then search for jobs. 

Nowadays, most job sites allow you to be very specific in your job search, allowing you to search from almost anything you choose, such as company name, position, years of experience, salary, qualifications, education, and so much more.

You can even filter on jobs to ensure only jobs that meet your needs come up. For example, you can search for marketing and then salary over $100k to ensure only those types of jobs come up.

Now I do want to caution you here on filtering too much because you can leave a great job on the table (as I believe if you have the skills or desire, companies can be flexible on salary). 

In addition, the goal here is to explore. I have my MBA so when I filter on jobs with Master degrees, I get a lot of high level job openings, which is great. However, if I take education out, so many more jobs come up that I can explore from so I can really see what is out there. 

Plus, maybe you might have to take a step back, but then you want to think about what the job is after that. I know I had a client that had to take a slight pay cut but was going to be making more than she made now in just 2 years (doing what she loved). 

So again at this time, keep an open mind and explore!
